Saturday, February 22, 2014

The results are in....

Sorry that I've fallen off the blogosphere. (Is that a word?). The last few days have been some of the hardest of my life. My first beta was Wednesday morning. I was a nervous wreck going in. Sweet Jo took my blood and Jenny and Brian came over to study me to see if I looked pregnant. :)  Jenny told me that if I wanted to know the results she would tell me but that they basically didn't mean anything until we see what happens on Friday. I told her I didn't know what I wanted to do and id let her know. My thoughts on this was which was worse. Getting a positive today and having it drop on Friday. Or just hearing it's negative today. After a few hours of debate as I sat at my desk doing absolutely no work I decided just to let it go. I considered it another step in turning over control to God. Needlesss to say Wed and Thurs were the longest days of my life. I thought of nothing else and obsessed over every symptom and lack of symptom.  I'm not sure how I survived but somehow Friday morning came. I spent the morning in tears. Just feeling absolutely terrified that we were going to get bad news. Finally it was time to go. I thought id walk in and take one look at Jenny and know. But she was very even keel. As we walked to the blood draw area I broke down and told her that she had to tell me the results from Wed. She said that it was positive, but low. I asked how low and she said 12. My heart sank. I know enough to know that's not a good sign. I immediately got upset and Jenny immediately put a stop to my pitty party. She told me that she's had patients with lower betas than that stay pregnant and we just need to see how it looks today. She reinforced that this is exactly why they don't give out 1st betas. So I took a deep breath and she promised to call as soon as she had the results. 

Luckily our baby girl puppy dog had a Vet appointment to get all of her annual shots so that was a great distraction. I left the clinic and headed to her appointment. I just prayed so hard that God would provide a miracle. I didn't call D or my mom to tell them the results of he first beta. Instead of worrying them both I just decided to wait and see what happens. And boy am I glad I did. 

Jenny called on our way home from the Vet with the announcement that God had heard our prayers. My beta was at 59 and had more than doubled since Wednesday. Doctor said it was rising beautifully. Jenny asked if I wanted to schedule a third beta for next week explaining that Doctor said he didn't feel it was necessary but it was up to me. I if course said yes and we scheduled it for Tuesday morning. 

So for now I am pregnant. The last 24 hours I have hit every possible emotion. Devastation, elation, fear, panic, heartache, worry, happiness, and finally so much love for this living being that's growing (actually growing!!) inside me. After hearing the news I stopped to buy the digital test in the picture above because I just had to see it. 

I know that there is so far to go on this journey. And trust me the fear of what could happen is all to alive and present within me. But I feel like our little embryo fought so hard to hang on and make it to this point and I am going to fight for it. So we take it one step at a time. We get to Tues and hope the numbers have continued to increase. Once we get that confirmation then we'll look ahead to the six week ultrasound. Until then I am feeling unbelievably grateful and filled with hope. Thanks you all so much for the prayers and support. This blog had been a life raft to cling to throughout this storm. I ask that you please continue to pray for us and our little miracle as we navigate this very scary time of early pregnancy. 


  1. Congratulations. Wishing you the best for the days, weeks and months to come!

  2. Congratulations! That's wonderful news! There's nothing better than that digital pregnancy test! Wishing you the best and hoping for an awesome beta on Tuesday!

    1. Thanks girl. The crazy has slowly been slipping back in and I'm already feeling panicked about Tues. But I'm trying to breath deep and take it one day and one step at a time. It's all pretty surreal at this point.

  3. oh wowzas! God is sooo good! Thank you Lord for this miracle baby growing inside of her! AWESOME!!!

    1. You are right Elisha God is SO good and I feel blessed beyond what I could have ever imagined. Praying so hard for our miracle and that God continues to bless us. Thank you for the support.

  4. Praying!! God is great... I will be waiting for your updates

    1. Agreed - God is great! Thank you for all your comments over the last couple weeks. They really helped get me through. Pryaers for Tuesday!

  5. WAHHH! That is AWESOME!!! You are DEFINITELY in my thoughts... grow, baby, grow!!

    1. Thank you so much! We love all the prayers - it means so much!

  6. Oh my goodness! How exciting! Your numbers more than doubled and that is great. I am so happy for you!

    1. Thanks Allison! I'm definitely alternativing between walking 10 feet off the ground and being scared to death. Praying so hard for good news on Tuesday. Thanks for the kind words and support :)

  7. Wow, what a rollercoaster infertility is, huh? Congratulations on your positive and I will be praying for those numbers to keep climbing!!!

  8. Wow…so scary. But I'm so glad that for now…you are pregnant. Congrats! Prayers that things get easier and you stay that way.
